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New Blog. Who dis?

silviu sitting in front of to the fountain in piazza de ferrari in genoa

Hi, I'm Silviu. That's me in the picture ⛲️.

I'm a software engineer πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» working at Microsoft. When I'm not coding, I spend my time playing basketball πŸ€, dancing salsa πŸ•Ί and drinking cofee β˜•οΈ. I also drink coffee when coding, so there's that.

Why the blog, you ask. Well, to be honest, I had this idea for some time, as a way to share experiences I found to beΒ  interesting or insightful. Not only will it help me write my thoughts down for all eternity, but maybe the information is also helpful to someone else. And that's enough reason, as far as I can think of, to write about something. Expect subjects to vary between computer science and making margaritas. Expect anything, and you will never be disappointed. Or, at least, not surprised.

Thinking makes you act effectively in the world. Thinking makes you win the battles you undertake, and those could be battles for good things. If you can think and speak and write, you are absolutely deadly. Nothing can get in your way.

β€”Jordan Peterson, The Power of Writing

Education and Internships

silviu wearing sunglasses on the edge of a cliff in the bavarian alps

I attended the B.P. Hasdeu High School in my hometown of Buzau, finishing with a degree in Mathematics and Informatics, with a special focus on English. I confess that I was not a huge fan of the first two subjects at that time. Consequently, my choice of university was a lucky one, as it turned out in the future. This choice was the Authomatics and Computers Faculty of the Politechnic University of Bucharest, from which I graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor of Engineering. Even though I found programming and engineering to be a smart and interesting thing to do at that time, I failed to find much practical meaning into it. It was just too abstract for me.

The meaning of programming and computer science knocked on my door one beautiful day in the spring of 2013. I was accepted at BitDefender for the internship position of Quality Assurance Analyst. It was one of the best moment of my life. There were actual people in an actual company who actually needed me to actually work with them. And they had free coffee and air conditioning in the office. During the amazing summer of 2013 I discovered my passion for automation, as I developed a Java and Batch based solution that tested file transfer between a couple of Android devices, using the transfer application my team was building at the time. They proposed I should stay employed full-time after the internship was over, but sadly I had to turn them down since the third year of college was rumored to be the most demanding of all. The rumors were true.

In 2014 I was accepted for another internship at Renault Technologie Roumanie, which was not exactly what I expected to be. Even so, I did develop a Java Swing based application that helped the team check some calibration files they used for testing. I was even rewarded a toy car for the app, but sadly I had to give it away after a few weeks 😒. I am still not over that.

Software Engineering

silviu next to an i love bangalore sign

My first full-time job was at Adobe in 2014 as a Junior Software Engineer in Test. My passion for automation led me to improveBusiness Catalyst's end-to-end automated testing framework. My best achievement for that project was updating the framework to run the automated tests in parallel, using a Selenium Grid infrastructure. After Business Catalyst, I became a Software Developer in Test for Adobe Experience Design. There, I helped the team create an automated testing solution from the ground up. More importantly, I discovered JavaScript and fell in love with it.

The testing framework gained traction and I was asked to travel to Bangalore and help ramp up a whole engineering team to write more automated tests for Adobe XD. The experience taught me to take enjoyment in teaching others about the things I'm passionate about. And, most importantly, that sharing knowledge within teams is the key to delivering great results.

silviu in the town of Kutna Hora

During my automated testing experience, I realised that I enjoyed coding significantly more than testing. I applied for a Software Developer position and received the opportunity to work at Microsoft in the summer of 2017, for one of its most hyped products, Microsoft Teams. This also involved a relocation to Prague, making the experience even more challenging. After working on the Teams AngularJS client for a year, I switched gears to the FluentUI (formerly known as StardustUI) component library, and started to build ReactJS components using TypeScript, prioritising automated testing and accessibility. Joined by a couple of colleagues, I delivered a demo at CSUN 2019 about the Microsoft Teams Callings and Meetings experience, along with its accessibility features and support. While working on Fluent I also came into contact with the Downshift npm library and its creator, Kent C Dodds.

I came back to Bucharest in the infamous year of 2020, and joined Adobe again, this time as a FrontEnd Developer for Adobe Target. I had the opportunity to apply what I learned in terms of accessibility, automated testing and design systems. During that time I had the incredible opportunity to be a speaker at Deque's axe-con in 2021, where I presented Downshift's hooks API. Here's the link to the recording.

In January 2022 I joined the Estonian company Bolt, where I helped building their Design System. I implemented ReactJS web components to be reused by other teams in their products. It was a great experience to build a component library from the ground up, balancing features according to immediate client needs.

Since middle of December I returned to Microsoft, where I reconnected with many of my colleagues from Microsoft Teams.

Open Source Software

During my time at Microsoft, while building the Dropdown component for the StardustUI component library, a peer suggested we could use downshift 🏎 to help us with the component's accessiblity and state handling. After using Downshift and creating a few of pull requests with improvements for the library, Kent C Dodds, the library creator, asked me to maintain it. It was a huge challenge for me, since I never maintained an npm library, and Downshift was huge by size. I strongly believe that maintaining this library and Kent's trust changed my life, and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity.

Since I started to maintain Downshift, it received a new updated docsite based on docusaurus, which is, incidentally, the same library I used to build this blog with. It also offeres a new ARIA 1.2 compatible API based on React hooks for select, combobox and taglist components. The hooks API was showcased live at axe-con 2021, which was the first conferance I was a speaker by myself.

Apart from Downshift, I also contributed to other open source projects that were related to my work, such as CypressIO and Testing Library.


cup of capuccino with a swann drawn as latte art

I spend my free time mostly trying to be active. I enjoy running πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ during mornings, going the gym πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ, playing basketball πŸ€ and hiking πŸ₯Ύ. In addition to that, I'm also dancing salsa and bachata πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ, which is probably the best hobby to have, period.

When I'm at home, I use my espresso machine to make flat whites with latte art. If it's past 11:00 AM I switch to espresso or americano, in order to comply with the Italian law. I love coffee. Also long drinks and cocktails 🍸, and I mix some of them myself. Probably my go to is a Margarita or a Martini. Sometimes I cook, usually pasta 🍝 or banana bread.

I like reading history and the classics πŸ“š. Some of my favorite books are A Picture of Dorian Gray, The Idiot and The History of the Ancient World. The first books I bought for myself is the A Song of Ice and Fire collection. That was back in the summer of 2013, and I look forward to buy the next ones as well. Please, George.

glass of frozen strawberry margarita with a lime wedge garnish