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TDD a Downshift feature request

· 12 min read

praia da arrifana, portugal Praia da Arrifana, Portugal.

I don't always do TDD, but when I do, I write about it.

From the GitHub issue to the next library update on npm, we are going to push a feature request via the magic of Test Driven Development. It's easier than you think, and next time when the interviewer asks if you've heard about TDD, you will smile, say yes, then test drive their Leetcode puzzle and bring home the biggest offer they could make. TDD is also great in day-to-day work when adding features for your products, fixing issues and solving open source tickets, which is what we're going to do here.

The Problem

Let's take the following small feature request from Downshift:

Select element doesn't receive focus when the label is clicked.

Test driving this feature means that we need to write the tests before the feature. And that's a good thing, because writing the tests first will make us ask the most relevant question, what exactly do I want to achieve here.

That usually means drafting a list of requirements, and based on that list of requirements, we will write the tests. Running the tests will result in test failures (at least they should) and by implementing the feature the tests will start turning green. Once all the tests are green, it means our feature is complete. This is called red-green refactoring.

Before making the list of requirements, let's also visualise how this select element is built with Downshift's useSelect.

const {getToggleButtonProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, isOpen,} =

return (
<label {...getLabelProps()}>Books:</label>
<div {...getToggleButtonProps()}></div>
<ul {...getMenuProps()}>
{isOpen ? items.forEach(/* render books if open */) : null}

This will build a markup similar to:

<label id="label-id-1" for="toggle-id-1">Books:</label>
<ul role="listbox" id="menu-id-1" aria-labelledby="label-id-1">

The Requirements

  1. Clicking the <label> should place the focus on the combobox element.

This would have been done automatically if the labelled element would have been an <input> or a <button>, given how the label's for attribute works by default. However, if the labelled element, here the combobox, is a <div> (ARIA 1.2 spec), the focus must be added manually via a click event. We would have the same issue if we replace the <label> with something else, so another reason to add this behaviour.

  1. Passing an onClick to getLabelProps should not interfere with the default focus behaviour we will be adding.

For instance, calling the code below should focus the toggle button and display the log.

onClick() {
  1. Passing an onClick to getLabelProps adds the preventDownshiftDefault attribute on the click event object should not focus the toggle anymore.

It's a practice similar to the event's preventDefault, where we can control the default behaviour of the event. In Downshift's case, we want to be able to stop the Downshift default behaviour.

onClick(e) {
e.preventDownshiftDefault = true


The Tests

That's the beauty of drafting a list of requirements, you could use it to write the tests. Downshift is a React library, so we are going to use React Testing Library and Jest in order to check our changes will be correct.

Our first test is going to be easier, since we only want to render the Select, click on the label, and check if the toggle has focus. To render the component, we will use RTL render method with a JSX similar to the example when describing the problem.

function renderSelect() {
const utils = render(<Select />)

return utils

function Select() {
const {getToggleButtonProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, isOpen,} =

return (
<label {...getLabelProps()}>Books:</label>
<div {...getToggleButtonProps()}></div>
<ul {...getMenuProps()}>
{isOpen ? items.forEach(/* render books if open */) : null}

With these abstractions in place, our test becomes:

test('clicking the label moves focus on the toggle element', async () => {

// RTL's user-event tool
await'Books:', {selector: 'label'}))

// RTL jest-dom extends Jest's expectations to include "toHaveFocus".
expect(screen.getByRole('combobox', {name: 'Books:'})).toHaveFocus()

And we're done. We render, we click the label, we check if the focus is where we need it to be. We run the test, it will fail, it's a success, we go grab lunch.

Now, something about the other 2 requirements. These are part of Downshift's API for some time now, and they already have a utility function that chains callbacks together and calls all of them on a event trigger. This utility also knows not to call Downshift's default event handler if "preventDownshiftDefault" has been passed. We are not going to test this utility now, we just want to make sure it works for our callback. Sure, we can just mock that utility and check the call, since we also test the utility in isolation to make sure that it works. But it's better to test for the actual user consequences rather than implementation details, so let's write the tests for these last requirements.

For the second requirement, if we pass our own onClick to getLabelProps, it should get called along with the default handler that sets focus. For this particular test, we don't need to render the whole component, we can just render the hook, like this.

export function renderUseSelect(props) {
// renderHook from RTL
return renderHook(() => useSelect({items, ...props}))

Now, we need to find a way to check that our custom onClick is called when the label gets clicked. Which, in turn, means that we need to actually trigger that click, since we are not going to render actual markup, we are just testing the hook. We know that getLabelProps will return an onClick that should end on a label element, so all we have to do is to pass a Jest spy as an onClick argument to getLabelProps, then call the onClick returned, and check the spy.

test('event handler onClick is called along with downshift handler', () => {
const userOnClick = jest.fn()
const {result} = renderUseSelect()

const {onClick} = result.current.getLabelProps({
onClick: userOnClick,



Simple! Now we test that whatever we pass in the onClick, it will be called with Downshift's handler. Which is something we don't test at the moment, and that's a huge potential problem over there. We don't want a regression to slip in one day and ruin everyone's Select elements if they also wanted to pass their own event handlers to our prop getters, which is a very common use case.

This is the part of the TDD where we need to think about the implementation. To manually focus the toggle element, we need to use a React ref on the combobox toggle JSX element, and use that ref object to perform a manual .focus(). Consequently, there's going to be a ref object returned by getToggleButtonProps, as it needs to be passed to the toggle element. We will use the ref in the useSelect code in order to perform the focus action. In our test, we just need to grab this returned ref and call it with a mocked object that has a focus function attached to it, which will be a jest spy. If our implementation works, the object we pass as argument to the ref function call is going to be used by the internal code to perform the focus. The test becomes:

test('event handler onClick is called along with downshift handler', () => {
const userOnClick = jest.fn()
const mockToggleElement = {focus: jest.fn()}
const {result} = renderUseSelect()

const {onClick} = result.current.getLabelProps({
onClick: userOnClick,
const {ref} = result.current.getToggleButtonProps()

ref(mockToggleElement) // simulate that React will add the toggle element in the ref.
onClick() // now we should have the ref containing the toggle element, we can click the label.


We also need to check that setting "preventDownshiftDefault" will not focus the toggle element. The test is going to be similar to the previous one, only that the userOnClick implementation will set this attribute on the event object.

test('event handler onClick is called along with downshift handler', () => {
const userOnClick = jest.fn(event => {
event.preventDownshiftDefault = true
const mockToggleElement = {focus: jest.fn()}
const {result} = renderUseSelect()

const {onClick} = result.current.getLabelProps({
onClick: userOnClick,
const {ref} = result.current.getToggleButtonProps()

ref(mockToggleElement) // simulate that React will add the toggle element in the ref.
onClick() // now we should have the ref containing the toggle element, we can click the label.


We are in a very good spot right now. We have written great tests that communicate exactly what our goal is, and that will only smoothen the implementation process. While deciding on the requirements and writing the tests we can also get better feedback from all stakeholders, since we already have a list of objectives, and it's easier to collaborate on that. We could get extra requirements (more tests) or, even better, some may decide that some requirements are superfluous. So what we may need to remove some already written tests? Less code is good.


The implementation is rather easy. Given the current code, we will add another onClick function to be returned from getLabelProps, and we will use the toggleButtonRef we already have in order to focus the element.


const getLabelProps = useCallback(
labelProps => ({
id: elementIds.labelId,
htmlFor: elementIds.toggleButtonId,
, [elementIds]


const getLabelProps = useCallback(
({onClick, ...labelProps} = {}) => {
const labelHandleClick = () => {

return {
id: elementIds.labelId,
htmlFor: elementIds.toggleButtonId,

Success! One test is passing already, with 2 more to go. Once these are green, we can agree that our implementation is a success. And that's the easiest part. We will also use our callAllEventHandlers utility in order to chain the callbacks and also check for the "preventDownshiftDefault" property.

const getLabelProps = useCallback(
({onClick, ...labelProps} = {}) => {
const labelHandleClick = () => {

return {
id: elementIds.labelId,
htmlFor: elementIds.toggleButtonId,
onClick: callAllEventHandlers(onClick, labelHandleClick),

Utility Function for Reference

The callAllEventHandlers utility will call the functions passed to it, in order, until one of them passes the "preventDownshiftDefault". It's important to pass the focus setting handler at the end. If you need such a function in your life, here it is:

* This is intended to be used to compose event handlers.
* They are executed in order until one of them sets
* `event.preventDownshiftDefault = true`.
* @param {...Function} fns the event handler functions
* @return {Function} the event handler to add to an element
function callAllEventHandlers(...fns) {
return (event, ...args) =>
fns.some(fn => {
if (fn) {
fn(event, ...args)
return (
event.preventDownshiftDefault ||
(event.hasOwnProperty('nativeEvent') &&

You also need to properly compose the ref objects. In our case, the toggle element is going to be used by useSelect, and it may also be used in the component using useSelect. Also for reference, here's the ref composing function and its usage.

const toggleProps = {
// refKey could be ref, could be innerRef, up to the user
[refKey]: handleRefs(ref, toggleButtonNode => {
toggleButtonRef.current = toggleButtonNode
// ... the rest of the props returned by getToggleButtonProps

function handleRefs(...refs) {
return node => {
refs.forEach(ref => {
if (typeof ref === 'function') {
} else if (ref) {
ref.current = node

Last Changes and Merging

We can create a new branch and commit our new changes. Given the nature of Downshift, we have TS files separately, and sometimes they also need to be updated. Now it's such a case, given that we changed the type of a return value:

export interface UseSelectGetLabelPropsReturnValue
extends GetLabelPropsReturnValue {
onClick: React.MouseEventHandler

We also need to update the documentation, to make it clear to our users that we added an event handler to the label props. We also want to mention what the event does.

#### Label

- `Click`: It will move focus to the toggle element.

Finally, we run the validation script, which in Downshift's case, it runs all the unit tests, the coverage check, the e2e tests, linting and all that stuff. Afterwards, we push the changes, create a PR, let the same validation script run via GitHub actions, and if the changes look good, we will merge the PR, close the issue, close the laptop and run. We should get an email from npm that the library has been updated successfully. In our case, it should be a minor version bump, since it's a feature.


I don't always do TDD, but when I do, I write about it. It's a very neat process, and I am super thankful to Kent and his Testing Javascript teachings. I was always passionate about automated testing, but his course just completely changed everything for me. If you haven't done it yet, I strongly recommend it, it's so worth it. Tip: try to get purchase parity for it if you aim to use it in your own home country only. You will get a discount.

I hope my Downshift TDD experience helps you write better and test better in the feature. If it sparked your interest in using TDD more or just to learn to test better, I declare myself happy for it. Good luck in writing great code and improving the world through your work!